Error 502 Bad Gateway: How to fix it in WordPress

First, you’ll need to discover whether or not the pages are unique, providing something the other doesn’t and therefore still valuable, even if they are targeting the same keyword.

If not, then determine the best way to consolidate or combine them.

To help with this, begin by examining your analytics and determining which of the pages is performing better in regard to organic traffic, bounce rate, and other important metrics.

You want to focus on the higher converting content, however, not necessarily the one receiving the highest traffic.

Then consolidate the two, incorporating the higher converting content onto the page with the higher traffic.

For those pages that are similar in content and attract the same audience, find a way to combine them.

Rewrite them into one post or article to benefit

Actively deleting problem content from your website probably shouldn’t be your automatic go-to choice when it comes to addressing keyword cannibalization. However, it is sometimes the best solution to your problem.

It’s not uncommon for a marketer telemarketing leads for sale to have one vision for their website or blog when they first start it. They get their keyword clustering down pat, craft great content, and achieve decent SERP rankings as a result.

Then their business grows and their brand identity evolves. Their content probably evolves, as well, becoming more professional in the process. At this point, they likely have ranking posts that are better and more relevant than earlier posts that still rank for the same keywords.

Actively deleting problem content

In cases where two or more posts from the same site are competing against one another and one is no longer relevant to the site or its professional goals, it makes sense to simply delete the irrelevant post. No more posts, no more cannibalization problems!

Updating internal linking structures

Change or add internal linking on Hong Kong Lead your website so that the less valuable content pages link directly to the more relevant or authoritative source page on a topic.

In turn, you’ll be sending a signal to the search engine algorithms that the content being linked to most often is the priority.

Also, take a look at the backlinks in the content that are ranking higher and on any other similar pages.


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