Our tip When thinking about search intent and the answers people need, you can give those answers in your titles and expand on them in your paragraphs. Clear and informative paragraphs Just like headlines, readers like to skim through paragraphs to quickly find the information they need. Avoid long and undrinkable paragraphs that your readers will not read. So make sure your copy paragraphs are short and start with the key message . Clarity and conciseness are the keys to excellent readability and a great user experience. Bullets and numbered lists.
Long paragraphs can be separated by bullet points or numbered lists and
Graphics that inform the user. These techniques help you guide your reader through the copy without forcing them to Saudi Arabia Email List work too hard to find the information they need – they’re also skimmed, which is a bonus. Short sentences With shorter sentences, you once again make the reader’s job easier and your message more digestible. Subtopics are covered in the copy Keep in mind a few points from your previous research. Target keywords, top-ranking page structure, user queries, and question. They can be separated into paragraph or grouped together, but should be included in the article and placed in a logical order. simple vocabulary Be sure to limit the use of words that are too difficult to read.
At the same time, you can educate your readers on your
Industry or brand terms, but you need to explain what they mean and make the explanation as simple as possible. The SEO Writing Hong Kong lead Assistant tool can help you with this. It also helps you detect sentences that are too long if the style is adapted and the content structured for a keyword. whether your content is in line with your brand tone. Include visuals . Use visuals throughout your page — videos, images, charts, infographics, etc. In 2019, 74% of marketers used visuals in more than 70% of their content — because it works. Informative videos and images. Charts and infographics can increase readers’ time on the page and encourage them to share the visual on social media accounts.