The size of your contact base, to its evolution, without forgetting to compare the different prices of these tools. If you haven’t thought about it yet, forget the idea of sending your email campaigns with your usual email such as Gmail or Outlook. Specialized Saas software is highly recommended, if not mandatory. You will thus be able to manage your emailings in a precise and professional manner, to monitor and measure your results. Moreover, a tool of this type can also be chosen according to its usefulness in a more global way . For example, you can very well send email campaigns while having an automation feature .
With the ability to apply automated email sequences in order to
Feed and acquire new customers to make them “consume” more. This is the principle of nurturing or upselling . The campaign development Turkey Email List process In order to be more concrete, we would like to offer you the typical development process that. W e recommend and that we carry out for our clients to achieve successful emailing campaigns . Analysis of the existing, if this is the case (type of emails, content sent, tools used, etc.) Analysis and/or definition of the target to design the database .
Definition of the strategy to adopt and the angle of attack
Implementation of emailing automation and testing campaigns Monitoring of results and corrective measures You can find our more complete Hong Kong lead process here . The costs Finally, another frequent question, especially when requesting a quote, how much does it cost? What you need to know is that before talking about cost, we are talking about “methodology”. In our opinion, it is necessary to fully understand the course of the process in order to take into account all the criteria that. Will impact the final price. the fact of having an email database or not. knowing its size, the number and frequency of sequences to be planned, the development or not of the content as. Well as the tool chosen are all factors that will determine the price of your campaign.