If you are a professional looking for new prospects for your business, LinkedIn can be useful to you, provided you use it well. This very powerful tool will help you increase your visibility and thus generate better qualified contacts. The sales prospecting method has literally been revolutionized by LinkedIn. However, it is not enough to simply own an account and add contacts at all costs. requires a minimum of methodology to achieve your goals without wasting time. Let’s look together. attract leads with linkedin Why use LinkedIn? As we have just discussed a little above, LinkedIn allows you to gain visibility while improving your natural referencing on search engines like Google.
Thus, this social platform ensures that you generate more leads and
Strengthen your digital identity . In another objective, it can allow you to recruit potential talents in your company Niue Email List if you are more human resources oriented, for example. Today, the most used method to generate leads remains content marketing. For this, LinkedIn is a rather well-suited tool. linkedin statistics Source. Mounirdigital Attract more leads in 4 steps Prepare your profile On LinkedIn, good prospecting starts with a complete , clear and well-presented profile. Do not forget your objective: to attract prospects to whom you prove that you are the right person or the right service provider to respond to their request.
A complete and active profile Filling in the main fields is good
But completing your page or your profile in detail is even better. For what Because you are seizing an additional Hong Kong lead opportunity to stand out from the competition and therefore attract a little more attention. Once your profile or your page is complete, you have to make it active and feed it. With relevant content requested by your prospects. Write or share quality content, so you will become a legitimate expert in the eyes of your prospects. A visual profile. Content yes, but not just text. To hold the attention of your visitors, do not omit the visual aspect. Starting with a quality profile photo, a cover photo and the illustration of your content. The visual will have a strong impact on your visibility.