Following the different priorities encountered and generated by a period of trouble, such as that experienced with Covid-19, your automated and previously programmed campaigns may no longer be as appropriate to the situation . This time around, we want to focus our content on the importance of personalizing the message in times of crisis. Here are some recommendations for adapting and monitoring your marketing automation campaigns during this exceptional situation. importance of personalizing these marketing automation messages .
Avoid inappropriate messages Your standard
Automated messages, whether by SMS or email, may no longer necessarily be appropriate or appropriate in Greenland Email List the current context. This is also the case for certain campaigns. That you had programmed for a product or service that is either no longer relevant or not appropriate to promote at this time. Incitements contrary to the instructions given against the coronaviru (gatherings, inaugurations, events, etc.). They are obviously to be avoided. It is therefore necessary to be vigilant about the content sent and automated. WHITE BOOK Deliver the right message , to the right person and at the right time Find out how in 12 steps.
Download the guide Customize your approach
You must stay close to your customers by continuing to provide them with added value. Do the same with your prospects Hong Kong lead but with a different approach. priority. In practice, dare to communicate with your customers in a personalized way . Take news with a call, an email, a WhatsApp whatever, but stay connected . The key is to continue to ensure the quality of deliverables and to be innovative (online services, delivery to a minimum). While continuing to provide value. Regarding your prospects, stop all commercial solicitations or follow-ups . This is not the right time.