Moncho alpuente already said that man is the only animal that. After having tripped twice over the same stone, turns around and kicks it. Professionals and managers who take initiative and strive for excellence may make more mistakes and receive more criticism. So they must prepare for frequent failure and to take advantage of the lessons of failure as much as possible. If you want to improve after a failure and you have little time. Guide to You can follow this quick self-assessment technique using five questions: 1 What can I learn; 2 What I would have done differently; 3 What skills should I train; 4 From whom can I learn; 5 What is the next step.
Therefore, Only those who take initiative fail. And I mean company data that as a compliment. As a professional and as a manager. It always involves more risk to take initiative to try to change or improve things in your company and in your career. In short, entrepreneurship in the broad sense of the word, being consistent with your professional lifestyle and your values.
Do not fear failure but be prepared to prevent it
To avoid failure, know yourself. Choose realistic Hong Kong Lead goals, methods and deadlines adjusted to your skills. Your interests and the personal and professional context in which you live. Is it sometimes better to fail than to remember that you didn’t try? In bad times, we tend to overvalue our past life and question the value of our current one, to fantasize about what we did not intend or about what could not be. “What would have happened if…” is an obsessive verbal behavior that generates anxiety.