What is the relationship between psychology and SEO?
Whether you sell face-to-face or online, you know that every consumer is different. The use of certain words — motivators — resonates with different personalities . Experienced salespeople know that some customers respond better to certain approaches than others, which is normal when you consider that no human being is exactly the same in nature.
How would the person like you to act towards him?
In human terms, each person’s experience and activity makes them have a different image of the same reality. And the same goes for SEO content ! A specific query hides a type of personality, which will translate into unique needs in terms of content consumption.
Of course, the challenge with Australian Telemarketing Leads SEO (or copywriting ) is that in many cases, you don’t know the type of behavior of the person you’re writing for . However, if you’re targeting salespeople, accountants, or people with a specific role, you’ll notice that these same people often have a similar type of behavior.
There are four things to consider when identifying the type of behavior of the person you are dealing with:
What is the optimal content length?
How does the person make his purchasing decision?
By examining these points, you can adapt Hong Kong Lead your content creation techniques to get closer to your personas and increase interaction with them (increase visit time, decrease bounce rate, increase conversions…).