Search intent in the service of content

What exactly is search intent? Search intent is the reason why users perform a specific search on Google. Before any optimization or writing action for a target keyword, you should ask yourself:

Why do users perform this search?
Are you looking for a specific website?
Are you looking for an answer to a question or just want to buy something?
A search engine, like Google, aims to meet the needs and expectations of the user. Its business model is based on this principle.

Over the years, Google has become increasingly capable of determining users’ search intentions. Google wants to rank the pages most suited to the intent in the top results. That’s why it’s essential to make sure your content matches the search intentions of your target audience.

How to recognize a hidden search intent behind a keyword?

Some of you regularly ask me “How to recognize the hidden intent behind a keyword?”. It’s an excellent question, because responding to the user’s search intent is about understanding the Telemarketing Real Estate Leads expectations and needs of your target audience and ensuring good positioning on Google.

So here’s an example for the keyword phrase “Choose a lawyer.” We might wonder (rightly) whether this is a search intent about the fruit avocado or about the profession of lawyer.

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Type the keyword into Google and you will see that 80% of the results page corresponds to fruit and 20% to the profession of lawyer.

By the way, a brief aside: Google knows

lexical fields quite well (especially thanks to the integration of Google Rankbrain into its algorithm).

Give it a try and test the lexical fields: complete the search “choose a lawyer” with the term “ripe” or “criminal”. Google’s search results will take a totally different form since Google knows to attribute the term “ripe” to the fruit and the term “criminal” to the legal profession.

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