Your publication has just appeared and you realize that it contains a mistake. Do not necessarily rush to correct it (if it is not unacceptable on your post, of course) and wait at least 15 minutes before going to make the modification. For what ? Because this action can lead to a decrease in its reach because of the LinkedIn algorithm. You may be asking yourself the following relevant question : should I respond/communicate to an algorithm or to a community? Of course, the answer is the second, namely, your audience . But know that it is not so serious if we see a small fault.
Even better if the fault is pointed out to you in a comment
It increases your reach. And as a bonus, you are no longer the first to comment… 2. Be the first to comment on your post Stop the publications in which you Algeria Email List announce to publish the link in your 1st comment . The range will again be reduced by the algorithm (by about 20%). For this, 2 techniques; either you wait for a first comment, or you don’t comment on your posts at all, as long as no one does. Unless you made a mistake that would require a first comment…;) CHECKLIST Plan your social media advertising campaigns Get the checklist 3. Leave Multiple Rows Blank Consecutively A third of the most common mistakes on social networks. Wanting to ventilate your post by leaving empty spaces between its paragraphs or leaving a little suspense… Unfortunately, this technique serves you. It’s all about finding a middle ground. And if it has a real interest for you to leave more than 2 lines of space. It is not prohibited, but you know that the results of reach will be less there.
Common mistakes that will mainly impact your reach on
That doesn’t mean it won’t be at all. It all really depends on your social media strategy and Hong Kong lead goals . Even if you are not targeting the algorithms but your audience (and that’s a good strategy!), you must at least comply with the requirements of the algorithms in order to have some chance of achieving the objectives you have set for yourself.