Please introduce yourself

Please introduce yourself.” This is a common question that never changes in interviews. It looks simple, but it is not easy to answer. It stumps many interviewers who are no longer freshmen. How should we answer this very broad open-ended question?

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Breaking question” that 99% of interviewers will ask, because in addition to the importance of the answer itself, the key is to strengthen the impression of the interviewee. Most people only answer their name, interests, majors, work experience, etc., which is too common. In fact, there is a simple way to South Africa Phone Number List structure the answer more logically, that is “present, past, future”.
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No What is your

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Current position at work, what are your responsibilities and Cambodia Phone Number List related achievements. Of course, if you have made significant achievements recently, you must talk about them.

Past: What work experiences have you had in the past and how these experiences have led you to your current position. You can also include the problems you have dealt with in the past, or the great achievements you have made, etc.

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