These tags are also called meta-titles. Your page title is just as important as the title of a novel, and it should address your two most important targets: your visitors and Google’s indexing robots.
Users who perform a search and read your title must be convinced of its relevance. Indexing robots or crawlers consider your tags as SO factors . If your META tags show your site/industry expertise and correspond to the content of the page, you are likely to rank better.
What is a title tag?
Here is the definition: A title tag is an HTML element that allows you to define the title of a web page . Its display in search engines is limited to 512 pixels (between 55 and 65 characters, depending on the letters used). Displayed in the form of a blue link, it is essential for SEO and social sharing. This element is also used by Internet browsers to name the tab of the page displayed.
In Google results pages, the Telemarketing Cost Per Lead title tag is displayed between the target page URL and its meta description. It is considered a “hot zone” in SO (as is, for example, the alt attribute of an image, the URL or all the other keywords).). It is therefore essential not to neglect your writing and optimisation to ensure you improve your SO. In addition, an attractive and well-chosen title will encourage the user to click on your page to find an answer to their query.
Examples of META tags
In the example below, the red underlined texts are the page titles. These tags describe the content and correspond to the keyword “online recipe”. When this phrase is searched, these articles appear first, as they correspond to the most trustworthy websites.
To create such a tag, you also need to know HTML markup. If you look at the code on your web page, you should find a code snippet like this:
of an HTML document. So to add it, you will need to access your site’s source code . In Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, you can right-click > View Source (or press CTRL+U). Once the source code is displayed, look in the source for the title tag . See below:
How to view the title tag
To display the title tag, you can also hover over the browser tab . A small bubble will appear indicating the page title and the home page URL of the displayed site.
If you use WordPress and have an Hong Kong Lead SEO plugin installed, you can easily access your metadata, complete it or transform it. This is also possible in other CMS , such as Protestant , Magneto or Shoplift . Finally, you can see how Google presents your page in its results page. To do so, simply add “site:” before your URL.