Your client engagement strategy can be supercharg with SMS outreach. Discover effective text message strategies to boost client communication and relationships.
Raluca Mocanu
October 6, 2023
Advantages of SMS for client outreach
How to build a robust Norway Phone Number List SMS client database
How to craft compelling text messages
From texts to triumphs: Business SMS case studies
Measuring SMS outreach success: Key Performance Indicators
Reaching your clients with SMS messaging
Nowadays, staying connect with clients requires more than just traditional emails or phone calls. SMS outreach presents a dynamic and direct way to engage with your audience. Offering immiacy and personal touch, text messages have transform client interactions, ensuring businesses remain at the forefront of their clients’ minds.
On top of all that, you’re pretty much guarante to reach your customer at any time, since 65% of US smartphone users check their phones within 15 minutes of waking up and 64% check their phones within the last 15 minutes before going to b. Of course, best practice texting rules suggest that you stick to business hours to send your texts.
Dive in as we explore how to harness the power of SMS to foster stronger client relationships.
Advantages of SMS for client outreach
Here’s a closer look at why SMS could be your game-changer for client engagement:
1. Spe
Messages are deliver within seconds, making it an ideal choice for time-sensitive communication. This rapid delivery ensures that important information or updates reach clients promptly. For instance, a retail store can send out flash sale notifications, and clients will receive them instantly, maximizing the chances of quick engagement and purchases.
2. Direct engagement
Messages are deliver directly to the client’s mobile device, avoiding the clutter often associat with email inboxes or social mia fes. This directness is particularly advantageous for critical updates, appointment reminders, or exclusive offers, as clients are more likely to notice and respond to a text message.
3. High open rates
SMS boasts exceptionally high open rates Belgium Phone Number List compar to other forms of digital communication. SMS messages consistently achieve an open rate exceing 90%, whereas email open rates frequently remain at approximately 20%. This means that clients are more likely to read and engage with SMS messages, making it a valuable tool for marketing campaigns. For example, a restaurant can send out SMS promotions for a special event, confident that a significant portion of their client base will see the message.