Role in the daily lives of Nepalese people Similarly, the Sherpas of the Himalayas are renowned for their mountaineering skills, while the Thru people of the Teri maintain a unique culture shaped by the region’s subtropical environment.
Religion plays a significant
Hinduism is the dominant religion, followed closely by Buddhism. The two religions coexist harmoniously, and many religious practices and festivals reflect this blend. Pashupatinath Temple
in Kathmandu,
one of the holiest Hindu shrines, attracts thousands Japan Whatsapp Number Data of pilgrims every year. Similarly, the Swayambhunath Stupa (often referred to as the Monkey Temple) and Boudhanath Stupa are revered Buddhist sites that symbolize the deep connection
between Hinduism
Buddhism in the country. The city of Lumbini, the birthplace of Gautama Buddha, is a pilgrimage site for Buddhists from around the world and is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Nepal’s cultural diversity
is also evident in its festivals, many of which are celebrated with Calling the Harbour City enthusiasm and fervor throughout the year. Dashain and Tihar are the two most significant festivals for Hindus. Dashain,
celebrated for fifteen days,
Symbolizes the victory of good over evil and is marked by family gatherings, rituals, and offerings. Tihar, also known as the festival of lights, honors various animals like crows, dogs, and cows,
involves elaborate decorations, songs,
and dances. Buddhist festivals like Buddha Jayanti, marking the birth of Buddha, are also widely celebrated, particularly in regions with a strong Buddhist presence. In addition, the Newar community celebrates unique festivals such as Indra Jatra and Kumari Jatra, which are characterized by traditional dances,