Avoid sending them to links that do not speak to them. But anyway, you have to adapt according to the people you are talking to and especially what interests them. Then all that remains is to align your recommendations with these KPIs. For example, if you know they care a lot about page load speed, then focus your presentations on that. And finally present these implementations chronologically in relation to their KPIs. So, if you have previous actions on this topic that have already been highlighted go back and compare this current performance indicator to that of the last presentation.
You can then show where you had an impact
How it evolved, etc. what makes them aware, what they really want to see rather than talking about “SEO” in a general Samoa Email List and abstract way for them. You can also educate them on the KPIs that should be important to them when it comes to SEO. Some more concrete practices Now let’s move on to some examples just to make this a bit more concrete. By contacting developers If you talk to developers, again, loading speed is a KPI they care about. This is also the one you would probably share, because in SEO you know Google cares about this aspect. So you can specifically highlight that recommendation or series of recommendations that impacted their direct KPI. Then show how it impacted crawl activity.
Which can then also impact the number of pages
Indexed and shows you that what you achieved generated more activity on Google and, ultimately, could also have Hong Kong lead an impact on visibility. By contacting media professionals If you talk to someone who manages social media, there are a series of measures to put forward. However, be careful because depending on the channels used, the analyzes are different. So, by accessing Google Search Console , you can get click-through rates, impressions, and many other metrics. Each paid platform is going to bring you these numbers. If we’re talking about paid search here about ad spend, it’s more about determining what organic search has had as a direct impact. And so you’ll have to dig in to really figure out if that’s the case or not. But you can see situations