Gender, specific interests, etc. For example, if you’re targeting male college students on a budget, don’t target an 18-65 age bracket. Also target a common interest that can attract qualified traffic. Your audience is too small. Too much detail, on the other hand, can make the reach of your audience too insufficient to trigger a real dynamic on your advertising. Remember to take into account Facebook’s recommendations on the right side of the configurator. If it tells you that the audience is too small when creating the ad, make sure to adjust your criteria to expand this audience and thus better reach your target . Your audiences overlap.
As a reminder there are 3 types of audience
The main audiences , made up of basic socio-demographic criteria Custom audiences that allow you to (re)target people who know you Lookalike USA Email List audiences , which are based on the lookalike profiles of your primary audiences. These audiences are all different, coming from different sources. Mixing and superimposing them in the same set of advertising is a mistake that will call into question the effectiveness of your campaigns. We cover more details about this in this article. The delivery schedule of your proposed advertisements at the time you create your campaign is not to be overlooked. If you spend budget during periods.
When your target is not present, it is an additional loss
You’ll feel like your ads aren’t working. To do this, consider excluding certain time slots that do not correspond to those in which users Hong Kong lead are active. Your message or your advertising format is not adapted to your target Capturing the attention and arousing the interest of the Internet user…this is your mission. If your message is too “passes everywhere” or your visual is not catchy, then your advertising is unlikely to work perfectly. Our recommendations : Don’t talk about yourself! But rather the benefit of your product or your service for the Internet user.