In this article, we’ll walk you through the different . Types of twitter ads , how to create your very first campaign. And tips to remember when creating your twitter ads. 6 steps to advertise on twitter 6 steps to advertise on twitter .The types of ads that exist on twitter there are several types. Of twitter ads to choose from to meet your business goals and fit your social media .Marketing strategy. Promoted tweets promoted tweets are very similar to regular tweets. What’s different is that an advertiser pays to show the content to people. Who don’t already follow that advertiser on twitter.
Like regular Tweets, they can be liked
Retweeted and commented on. But they’re labeled as an ad: they’ll still say “Promoted” in the lower left Sri Lanka Email List corner. Promoted Tweets, like this example from Subway, appear in targeted user timelines, on user profiles, at the top of search results, and in Twitter mobile and desktop apps. The sponsored account Instead of promoting a single Tweet, this type of Twitter ad allows you to promote your brand’s entire Twitter account. It targets users who don’t already follow your brand and can help grow your business’ Twitter following. Promoted trends Twitter’s trending topics come in high-rotation lists on the right side of Twitter.
This is a collection of the most popular topics and
Hashtags used in real time. Users can interact with a Promoted Trend the same way they would interact with any Hong Kong lead other trending topic. will show as “Promoted” to targeted users. Automated Ads If you’re new to advertising on Twitter, don’t know how much to spend, or have a very small team with limited time, consider trying the Twitter promotion mode. It can save you time. You post your tweets as usual, then the Twitter promotion mode automatically promotes those tweets and your business profile.