German Direct Marketing Prepares an Email Code of Ethics

The German Direct Marketing Association ( DDV ) has set to work to set up an ethical code for email marketing. The objective is to establish mandatory standards for. All members of the DDV in order to ensure responsible management of this tool, threatened by spam emails. According to DDV’s own estimates, 10% of desired emails do not reach accounts due to spam. On September 18, in Munich, the members of the association will meet to discuss and approve the code of ethics. At this meeting, companies will voluntarily commit to the criteria of the text. The new regulations will affect list owners and brokers, advertisers, technology providers, as well as agencies and salespeople.


Data becker launches mail a day

Press release: Continuing with the series of applications executive data developed by. Data Becker to help professionals optimize their communications. This product has been launched that allows you to easily. Create and send professional newsletters. Yes, with an up-to-date Web, users have been able to develop. Their own web pages. Now with Mail up to date, you will have the possibility of completing. The virtual communication process, and keeping your clients. Partners and members of your company informed without difficulty, with personalized mailings and newsletters.


The most important feature for

Successful mailings is maintaining Hong Kong Lead email addresses. This program solves this problem because it allows you to import data from MS Outlook. or MS Access or from any other program that works with the CSV format, without any difficulty. It also allows you to create a customer profile and the administration of registrations and cancellations is managed automatically. Press release: The start wizard will guide you through its configuration, but the interface is very intuitive and the user will have no problem configuring their email, or executing any of the functions that the program offers. It also includes a wizard to establish conditionals when customizing your mailing lists.

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