Singapore is one of the most mature international

Mature international Singapore is Business centers today, ranking fourth in per capita GDP. Like many other countries around the world, more and more Singaporean companies are embracing. Digital marketing, as evidence by the growth in digital advertising spending to US$1.13 billion in 2022. Highly recommende for local brands, but also for all businesses looking to expand their business in this highly develope. Technology-driven core Asian market. This article will summarize the essence of digital marketing in Singapore for you base. On the digital landscape, trends and future opportunities in Singapore in 2022, so as to effectively promote your brand and increase your company’s performance sales in the market.

The landscape and trends of digital marketing in Singapore in 2022

Digital Marketing Opportunities in Singapore mature international

1.The pattern and trends of digital marketing in Singapore in 2022

Singapore Digital Marketing 2022_1_Singapore Digital Oman Phone Number List Marketing Landscape.JPEG

Driven by advance digital technologies and rapid development, Singapore is a highly urbanize country with a population of 5.92 million. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 2022, with an Internet penetration rate of 92% and 89.5% of Singaporeans being active social media users.

1.1 Digital media usage in Singapore

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On average, Singaporeans spend 7.5 hours on the Internet every day, including 2 hours and 53 minutes on videos and 2 hours and 31 minutes on social media. It is worth noting that the time spent by users on news media, podcasts and game consoles increased significantly, adding a total of 1 hour and 14 minutes. This year, Singaporeans’ use of music streaming services has also increase significantly, with a total of 1 hour and 43 minutes spent, an increase of 27.2%. These figures provide a positive signal for the brand’s media channels in the Singapore digital market.

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