Proof of this are: the sustain growth in the satisfaction of our students, graduates and teachers; the 4-star rating in the QS Stars Rating, in which employability, online teaching, inclusion and social responsibility are areas in which we have obtain the highest score (5 stars); our high levels of employability, since according to an IPSOS study (2022), 9 out of 10 UPN graduates end up with jobs or self-employment; as well as various distinctions, such as having won the “Peru for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)” Contest for our social project “Preventorio de Salud” (PDS), an initiative that provides free preventive health services to the community of Lima Norte since 2019.
Lowest Possible Cost Is
Throughout these years, various actions have been integrat into an ucational strategy that has quality as one of its main pillars. With institutional accritation, students and graduates of our school have the guarantee that our teaching-learning process is solid and b2b email list that they interact with mechanisms of evaluation, participation, connection with the environment and, above all, continuous improvement, which that ensures the satisfaction and employability of our graduates. The UPN thus reinforces its commitment to social responsibility, research, the relevance of its study programs, its relationship with the community and accountability.
The Obstacle They
Which Peruvian universities have CINDA accritation? In Peru, of a total of 93 licens universities, only 5 have receiv international institutional accritation. Of them, 4 universities, including the UPN, maintain their current institutional accritation with the IAC-CINDA : the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, the University of Lima and the Technological University of Peru. This positions us as an academically solid, sustainable institution committ to its environment. Furthermore, assuming Hong Kong Lead the commitment to face and receive international institutional accritation not only guarantees that the university complies with current legal requirements and its own institutional purposes, but also establishes corrective and improvement actions to improve itself.