Demonstrate psychology in SEO Google will thank you

What if Freud was an SEO consultant? – A short treatise on SEO psychology

There’s no doubt about it, you’ve probably browsed websites that look like phone directories. Empty, bland, and with about the same personality as a snail. More often, it’s well-meaning people who have decided that in order to create a well-optimized and converting website, the personality of visitors has no place in this process.

Many SEO studies focus on the three main pillars of SEO : technique, link building and content. The most surprising thing about content (the only pillar that directly addresses the user ) is that there are very few articles on psychology, user behavior . Isn’t it absurd to target humans through SEO content without taking into account their personalities ?
Freud SEO

Quick read: what you will learn in this article

Relationship between psychology and SEO : adapting your content creation based on your audience allows you to perfectly respond to the user’s search intent .
The 4 personality types : tips for defining the behavioral profile of your target reader.
How to tailor your content New Homeowner Telemarketing Leads accordingly : Tips for tailoring your writing to the big 4 personality types.
Want to know more? Keep reading!

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Freud, Jung and SEO

There are many modern theories on the study of human behavior . One of the most influential studies is undoubtedly found in the work of the Swiss psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung. Jung is considered the psychiatrist who invented “analytical psychology” and a disciple of Freud.

He defined individual behavior as belonging Hong Kong Lead to four different types: intuition, sensation, thinking and feeling , thus creating 8 major types of psyches . According to Jung, a person’s personality is a set of these four elements.

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