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It is not only a channel of inspiration and promotion, but also an educational one . Finally, we appreciated the branding of the Schiop pettino di Prepotto which, starting from a forgotten wine, put the link between production and regionality at the center of communication. The fresh and effective style is the first step in building a well-structured advertising campaign. The numbers of “social” wine Let’s take the opportunity to also observe some numbers regarding wineries, winemakers and presence on social networks. According to a research carried out by Omnicom Group, the major companies in the wine sector in Italy constantly use social networks and, in particular, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter , although the latter two do not seem particularly functional for promoting .

The culture of wine. Facebook is still the most constantly monitored channel

Wineries publish new content every week, while on YouTube 36% of the sample analyzed has not uploaded promotional videos for Indonesia Mobile Number List over 6 months. 90% of Italian wineries have a website , but still few take advantage of e-commerce.  To draw inspiration. Why did we choose them.  We were struck by the elegance. structure and completeness of the communication. In each case, the reference website is already easy to find and user friendly . Social networks are little gems that present original content, aesthetically beautiful and consistent with the global message.

Noella Ricci The Tognazza Scuotto estate Valentina Passalacqua Marquises Antinori

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Agricultural farms Watch it Mastro Janni estate . Zaccagnini winery Pellegrino Cellars Santa.  Margherita Angoris estate In all these websites we find an interesting balance between aesthetics and functionality . The user experience is Hong Kong lead   guided in a clear and immediate way. whoever arrives here will easily find what they are looking for: what is the history of the winery. where it is located, where to buy. Then, the attention paid to the visual identity is striking. Let’s think, for example, of the La Tognazza website, which presents a visual choice inspired by the world of comics. decidedly unusual for this product category. Yet the site is in full harmony and continuity with the labels and what the consumer finds at the table. In this way. It is also more likely to remember the brand. In other cases, such as on the Tenuta Mastro Janni website.

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