How to analyze the most commented posts of almost any blog

In this post you will learn how to extract and analyze which posts have received the most comments from almost any blog. A very Growth Hacking technique . Hello requetehello! Are you partying? I do! In fact, I’m going to be a bit off because I need to disconnect and enjoy my little women and friends. How long has it been since you disconnected? Because, the truth is, it is very necessary to do it from time to time. You know, balance between Production and Production Capacity. If you take care of yourself (physically and mentally), you improve your ability to create and build.

Why analyze comments?

the candies and they are going to catch us here glued to the screen. As you know, a big part of my industry email list blogging strategy revolves around comments . For me, and I think also for the boys and girls of Blogramé (I love you so much), [piopialo] the most valuable and important action that a reader can do on a blog is to comment[/piopialo].

The comment generates community

Each comment adds a story to the post in which it is left. A person makes it, with their own identity and puts their own touch on it. When someone enters and sees comments on a post, they begin to know those people, they can connect with them and this generates a community. The comment generates value. It doesn’t matter if the comment Hong Kong Lead is a mini-post with a great contribution or a simple phrase of thanks. Both options have their point of value and this is for the blogger and at the same time for the rest of the readers who can obtain more or understand that many people are liking the article. What if you didn’t like it? So it’s sure to spark conversation.

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