When organizing a holiday is full of pitfalls

The co-branding strategy “Our startup – explains Giada Marabotto – was born as a reaction to the crisis , which is affecting all sectors. For this reason, we have decided to involve some Italian bookshops, installing corners to inform and guide customers on the agencies’ programmes”. Entering the bookshop, in practice, the consumer. Who is already used to going around the shelves to choose what to buy. Can also stop in front of the travel corner , which will no longer be a simple display of volumes, but will allow him to meet qualified personnel . At the corner you can also find cultural offers and buy tickets for theater performances and concerts.

Travel corner in the bookshop “Marketing is also this

Insists the entrepreneur – two authoritative brands are positively infected. Co -branding offers opportunities Argentina Mobile Number List for both to grow. Bringing together two distinct brands, i.e. a space dedicated to travel within another activity, such as a bookshop, but also a gym or shopping centre, stimulates a virtuous circle . Hence the idea of ​​teaming up. With familiar and appreciated brands”. The skills of the digital travel agent Even the figure of the travel agent. According to the project by Marabotto and Ruperto, is completely renewed. Both because the professional will be present at the corners and because he will have to acquire new digital skills.

The tour operator – continues Marabotto – must keep pace

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With the times and with the needs of travellers. An example above all, not waiting for customers in the store Hong Kong lead  during  the usual hours, but being available on videocall at their favorite moments. Do not deliver paper catalogues, but emotional travel itineraries on the web with interactive experiences . His role and that of the organized tourism supply chain will be fundamental for the post-Covid relaunch, because experience and professionalism remain the cornerstones for an insecure traveller, worried and eager to have reliable and punctual information”. The “do-it-yourself” .

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